N-Ext™ DIY Build-a-box
Build your own product packEach of the products available in the various N-Ext™ DIY package offerings for homeowners are designed to address different soil/plant needs within a fertility program throughout the growing season.

DIY Specialty Fertility Products:
N-Ext RGS™ Soil & Plant Formula
DIY Fertilizer Products:
0-0-2 MicroGreene™ Micronutrient Fertilizer
0-0-25 GreeneKick™ Lawn Fertilizer
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ Plant and Shrub Fertilizer
7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™ Lawn Fertilizer
9-0-1 GreeneStart™ Multipurpose Fertilizer
16-21-2 GreenePOP™ Starter Fertilizer
Build Your Own N-Ext DIY Product Pack
N-Ext™ Build-a-Box 4 Gal Pack
- 4 gal kit: 1.0 gal bottle ea
N-Ext™ Build-a-Box 5 Gal Pack
- 5 gal kit: 2.5 gal bottle ea