Lawn and Landscape
The Greene County Fertilizer Company specializes in manufacturing Fertilizer Products, Specialty Fertility Products, Private Label and Custom Blends for the Lawn, Horticultural and Agricultural Industries. Our product line consists of liquid fertilizer products that are easy to dilute and apply. Our carbon forward fertility method is an excellent addition to any fertilizer program for correcting soil issues. Your technicians will love working with the products.
Our fertilizer line is complete. There is no need to continue to mix additional nutrients to receive great results. Pesticide products can be tank mixed with all Greene County Fertilizer Company products.
The science behind Greene County Fertilizer Company’s fertilizers is a balance of plant science and soil science. The turf and plants receive the nutrients they need to thrive and the soil receives the carbon it needs to maintain and build sustainable fertility. Nitrogen inputs with Greene County Fertilizer Company products are greatly reduced compared to conventional fertilizers.
Our commitment to the industry is to produce quality products and professional education through newsletters, and our company and Lawncology YouTube channels. We want our customers to be free to focus on providing great service, solving seasonal problems, and cultivating good customer relationships.
Fertilizers and Specialty Fertility Products
Greene County Fertilizer Company is well-known for our biostimulants. Our unmatched cost-to-performance values extend far beyond these products with the N-Charge™ 28% sustained release nitrogen and GreeneCharge™ 26% with minors. These two powerful nitrogen formulas standing alone or blended with any of our biostimulants will charge up your fertility program.

MFR: Greensboro, GA
Greene County Fertilizer Company is a manufacturer and supplier of soil amending fertilizers for liquid lawn care, garden, turf care and agricultural products, specialty fertility products, humic acid, private label fertilizer products, custom blends, bio-based fertilizers, made in the USA.
Distributor of Lawn and Ornamental pest control products.