Lawn Care Tips, How To’s & More
Lawncology® – YouTube
“DIY Questions #1. When and how to apply to my lawn?” (8:15)
“DIY Question 2: How to Calibrate and Use the Ortho Dial and Spray” (7:23)
DIY Product FAQ’s
- ▪ N-Ext™ product FAQ: Safe for pets?
- Do I need to water-in the products?
- Bio-based fertilizers?
- My N-Ext products froze, now what?
- I would like to find a product for my garden and potted plants:
Are your products safe for pets?
All of our fertilizers and specialty products we manufacture are safe for use around pets. However, many of our products contain humic acid which can stain carpets, rugs, etc. when pets return to the house. We advise homeowners to allow the lawn to dry after an application before allowing the pets to access the lawn.
FAQ: Do I need to water in the products?
The following question and answer is applicable for the products contained in the following DIY packages:
- DIY: Bio-Stimulant Package (N-Ext: RGS, Air-8, Humic12, 0-0-2 MicroGreene)
- DIY: Soil Activator Package (N-Ext: RGS, Air-8, D-Thatch, 7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect)
- DIY: Plant, Shrub & Tree Package (N-Ext: RGS, Humic12, 4-0-2 FloraGreene, 0-0-2 MicroGreene)
Watering in Requirement: If a hose end sprayer is used with a setting allows for a 20-1 dilution with water of each product there is no need to water the application in. If you must use a dilution rate that is less than 20-1 or if there is uncertainty about your actual dilution rate, the application(s) should be watered in for 5-15 minutes.
Are your products environmentally friendly?
At Greene County Fertilizer Company, we know you are not only concerned about having a green lawn and healthy plants but you also want the fertility products applied to your property to be environmentally responsible while still protecting your investment.
Greene County Fertilizer Company’s fertilizers and fertility products are bio-based products designed to produce outstanding results without the harmful side effects of pollutants. Our soil amending fertilizers and specialty products allow your landscape to flourish the way nature intended. You will notice improved color, longer lasting blooms, and significant growth to trees, shrubs and flowers. Our natural fertilizers and specialty fertility products are designed to feed plants, improve soil fertility and build topsoil.
The science behind Greene County Fertilizer Company fertilizers is a balance of plant science and soil science. The turf and plants receive the nutrients they need to thrive and the soil receives the carbon it needs to maintain and build susstainable fertility. Nitrogen inputs with Greene County Fertilizer Company products are greatly reduced compared to conventional fertilizers.
The soil type, turf grass variety, environmental conditions, watering, and mowing are just a few of the things that can profoundly impact the fertility and control needs of a lawn as well. Please take care to make sure you are following recommended best management practices for all aspects of your lawn care program.
While frozen product is not warrantied by Greene County Fertilizer Company, that does not mean that it cannot be used.
Allow product to thaw.
Aggressively agitate / shake / Stir the container.
Pour the product into your tank through a strainer. (An inexpensive stainless steel kitchen colander works well for this)
Any solids that precipitate out can be either discarded or dissolved in hot water and then poured in the tank.
N-Ext Air-8™, Humic12™, D-Thatch™, RGS™ and Sea-K™ should have little to no precipitate and should show little to no reductions in efficacy.
Products that contain Nitrogen and/or Iron will contain crystals which will dissolve in hot water (albeit slowly) for addition to spray tank. Because of the precipitation of Nitrogen and Iron, the performance of these products will be reduced by an unpredictable measure.™
I would like to find a product for my garden and potted plants, trees and shrubs:
By now your lawn knows the benefits of the soil amending, plant stimulating, liquid nutrition that is found in every bottle of Greene County Fertilizer’s Liquid N-Ext™ line, but what about your plants?
FloraGreene™ Tree, Shrub, Palm, Plant, Garden & Ornamental Fertilizer is an easy to use, incredible way to get your garden blooming, your trees fruiting, and your veggies tasting amazing.
FloraGreene™ goes beyond NPK with its minor elements, Humic and fulvic acid, kelp and just the right amount of nitrogen and potassium for foliar uptake. With a regular feeding schedule, your plants will be more beautiful than ever before because of the constant soil feeding that is going along with the plant food every time you apply.
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ is formulated to be a complete product for all varieties of landscape plants, ornamentals, tropicals, shrubs, and trees.
For Healthy Trees, Sick or Diseased Trees, Fruit Trees, Plants and Ornamentals, Palms, Potted Plants and Vegetables.
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ is available within the N-Ext™ DIY Plant, Tree & Shrub pack and/or within a N-Ext™ Build-a-Box kit.

Greene County Fertilizer Company offers a product purchase solution for do-it-yourself lawn care homeowners. Our bio-based fertilizers and specialty fertility products are blended to feed plants, improve soil fertility and build topsoil. Each of the liquid products available in the various DIY package offerings is designed to address different soil/plant needs within a fertility program throughout the growing season.