N-Ext™ DIY Lawn Care Products for Homeowners
Eco-friendly Fertilizer and Biostimulant Products for Lawn, Tree and Shrub Care
Product Spotlight: 16-21-2 GreenePOP™ Starter Fertilizer is engineered to deliver all that grass seed needs to germinate quickly and establish a strong root system.
With your work and our fert, lawn renovation season will be better than ever.
Our Fertilizer Products
County Fertilizer Company’s bio-based fertilizers and specialty fertility products are blended to feed plants, improve soil fertility and build topsoil.
28-0-0 N-Charge™ Nitrogen Fertilizer
Dark Green • Lush Growth • Fast Acting.
For all turf types. Apply during the growing season. Available during the Fall Season 2024.
26-0-0 GreeneCharge™ Lawn Fertilizer
Enhanced efficiency low input liquid Nitrogen with balanced micronutrient blend. Consistent color and slow growth with no “surge growth”. Dark Green • All Turf Types.
18-0-1 GreenePunch™ Lawn Fertilizer
18-0-1 GreenePunch™ is the Nitrogen foundation product of the N-Ext™ Full Liquid Fertility Program. Recommended application rates vary depending on turf types.
16-21-2 GreenePOP™ Starter Fertilizer
16-21-2 GreenePOP™ is engineered to deliver all that grass seed needs to germinate quickly and establish a strong root system. Safe for use on all turf types.
16-4-8 GreeneForce™ Balanced Fertilizer
16-4-8 GreeneForce™ is an all season balanced nutrient fertilizer.
9-0-1 GreeneStart™ Multipurpose Fertilizer
Well-balanced and complete plant nutrient / soil amendment / biostimulant fertilizer. Best used for “Low N” turf application; moderate heat/drought stressed turf; seeding/overseeding. Safe for use on all turf types.
7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™ Lawn Fertilizer
Simple and economical way to correct chlorosis issues in turf and ornamentals. Produces a deep green color and consistent greening effect on plants. Safe for use on all turf types.
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ Plant & Shrub Fertilizer
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ Fertilizer is a complete fertilizer for all varieties of landscape plants, potted plants, vegetables, ornamentals, tropicals, shrubs, and trees of all kinds. Can be applied to turf for lawns with significant soil fertility deficiencies.
0-0-25 GreeneKick™ Lawn Fertilizer
Liquid Potassium Carbonate product for foliar or soil drench application. Helps correct Potassium deficiency in plants and improve stress tolerance. Provides 10% soluble potassium to plants. Recommended for turf, tropicals, ornamentals, shrubs, and trees.
0-0-2 MicroGreene™ Micronutrient Fertilizer
Formulated for soil fertility and plant health. Product will meet the micronutrient needs of all turf types. Increases root mass and depth. Versatile, complete, efficient and affordable liquid micronutrient fertilizer and soil amendment.
Specialty Fertility Products
Our specialty products are flexible additions to any existing fertility program to add Biostimulants, fill in missing components, address existing problems / environmental conditions, reduce Nitrogen inputs and improve overall results.
N-Ext Air-8™ 0-0-5 Liquid Aeration
Designed to loosen topsoil and encourage deeper rooting to allow for greater oxygenation of the root zone. Addition of N-Ext RGS™ further enhances soil aeration. Carbon-based additive to fertilizer program to improve nutrient efficiency and soil fertility any time during the growing season. Safe for use on all turf and soil types.
N-Ext D-Thatch™ 0-0-2 Thatch Digester
Designed to reduce thatch build up in lawns that do not have the ability to be mechanically adjusted due to cultivar or time of season. Focuses on composting thatch faster by encouraging microbial activity at the soil surface and increasing heat. Thatch is reduced and the organic matter is captured as a food source for your turf. Product intended to be used as an additive to current fertilizer program. Safe to use on all turf and soil types.
N-Ext Humic12™ 0-0-1 Liquid Humic Acid
A fundamental foundation of topsoil fertility. Benefits include increased root growth, chlorophyl content, nutrient uptake and improved soil structure, water retention, plant quality, mineral chelation. May be applied to all turf and planting beds at any time of the growing season. Readily dispersed in most fertilizer or micronutrient products. Please read and follow label directions for: 1) Turf 2) Soil Drench.
N-Ext RGS™ 0-0-1 Soil & Plant Formula
Biostimulant / Soil Amendment. The missing link in most fertilizer programs. Designed to increase rooting potential (mass and depth) and decrease stress pressure caused by heat and drought. Biologically active material contains Humic Acids and Sea Kelp to aid in color response. Buffers and extends nitrogen release rates. Adds oxygen to the soil profile for greater nutrient uptake. Safe for use on all turf types and ornamental plants.
N-Ext Sea-K™ 0-0-5 Bloom and Root
Contains highly concentrated Sea Kelp derived from the cold waters of the North Atlantic. Contains high concentrations of Auxins, Gibberellins and Cytonkinins. Benefits of use are: deeper color, increased rooting, pest resistance, drought protections, nutrient uptake, reduced senescence. Product is safe for use on all turf types and ornamental plants.
N-Ext BufferDown™ Tank Conditioner Lowering pH
Tank conditioner to lower pH of liquid being applied.
Hydr8 Liquicure™ Soil Surfactant/Wetting Agent
Retain Moisture • Increase Rooting • Drought Buster.
Hydr8 Liquicure™ Soil Surfactant/Wetting Agent
Hydr8 MRG™ Moisture Retaining Granular
Hydr8 MRG™ Moisture Retaining Granular
How To Purchase
Greene County Fertilizer Company now offers a product purchase solution for DIY homeowners.
• To Return to this site, be sure to bookmark this web page: GreeneCountyFert.com/DIY
• Are you a Professional Service Provider? Contact Us.
DIY Product Labels, SDS, Spec Sheets
Specialty Products | DIY
N-Ext Air-8™ Liquid Aeration : Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
N-Ext Air-8™ Liquid Aeration:
- Download→ N-Ext Air-8 – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ N-Ext Air-8™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
N-Ext D-Thatch™ Thatch Digester: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
N-Ext D-Thatch™ Thatch Digester:
- Download→N-Ext D-Thatch™ – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ N-Ext D-Thatch™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
N-Ext Humic12™ Liquid Humic Acid : Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
N-Ext Humic12™ Liquid Humic Acid:
- Download→ N-Ext Humic12 – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ N-Ext Humic12™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
N-Ext RGS™ Soil & Plant Formula: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
N-Ext RGS™ Soil & Plant Formula:
- Download→ N-Ext RGS™ – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ N-Ext RGS™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
N-Ext RGS™ and N-Ext Air-8™ - “Compaction Cure” Combo: Application Recommendations
N-Ext RGS™ and N-Ext Air-8™ – “Compaction Cure” Combo
Always read and follow label directions.
- → “N-Ext™ DIY Compaction Cure” combo Specific Application Recommendations (PDF) 2.5 gal bottles
- More Info → N-Ext DIY “Compaction Cure” Combo
N-Ext Sea-K™ 0-0-5 Bloom and Root: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
N-Ext Sea-K™ 0-0-5 Bloom and Root:
- Download→ N-Ext Sea-K™ – DIY Label (PDF) 1.0 Quart
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ N-Ext Sea-K™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
- DIY Packaging: 1.0 quart bottle
Hydr8 Liquicure™: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
Hydr8 Liquicure™:
- Download→ Hydr8 Liquicure™ – DIY Label (PDF) 1.0 Quart
- Download→ Hydr8 Liquicure™ – DIY Label (PDF) 1.0 Gallon
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ Hydr8 Liquicure™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
Hydr8 MRG™ Moisture Retaining Granular: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
Hydr8 MRG™ Moisture Retaining Granular:
- Download→Hydr8 MRG™ – DIY Label (PDF) 40 lb bag
- Download→Hydr8 MRG™ – DIY Label (PDF) 10 lb bag
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ Hydr8 MRG™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
Fertilizers | DIY
28-0-0 N-Charge™ Nitrogen Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
28-0-0 N-Charge™ Nitrogen Fertilizer
- Download→ 28-0-0 N-Charge™ – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ 28-0-0 N-Charge™ – DIY Product Spec Sheet
26-0-0 GreeneCharge™ Lawn Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
26-0-0 GreeneCharge™ Lawn Fertilizer
- Download→ 26-0-0 GreeneCharge – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→26-0-0 GreeneCharge™ – DIY Product Spec Sheet
18-0-1 GreenePunch™ Lawn Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
16-21-2 GreenePOP™ Starter Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
16-21-2 GreenePOP™ Starter Fertilizer
- Download→ 16-21-2 GreenePOP Fertilizer – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→16-21-2 GreenePOP DIY Product Spec Sheet (PDF)
16-4-8 GreeneForce™ Balanced Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
16-4-8 GreeneForce™ Balanced Fertilizer
- Download→16-4-8 GreeneForce™ Balanced Fertilizer – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→16-4-8 GreeneForce DIY Product Spec Sheet (PDF)
9-0-1 GreeneStart™ Multipurpose Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
9-0-1 GreeneStart™ Multipurpose Fertilizer
- Download→ 9-0-1 GreeneStart – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→SDS (PDF)
- Download→9-0-1 GreeneStart™ – DIY Product Spec Sheet
7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™ Lawn Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™ Lawn Fertilizer
- Download→ 7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™ – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ 7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ Plant and Shrub Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
4-0-2 FloraGreene™ Plant and Shrub Fertilizer
- Download→4-0-2 FloraGreene™ – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ 4-0-2 FloraGreene™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
0-0-25 GreeneKick™ Lawn Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
0-0-25 GreeneKick™ Lawn Fertilizer
- Download→ 0-0-25 GreeneKick™ – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ 0-0-25 GreeneKick™ – SDS (PDF)
- Download→ 0-0-25 GreeneKick™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
0-0-2 MicroGreene™ Micronutrient Fertilizer: Label, SDS, Spec Sheet
0-0-2 MicroGreene™ Micronutrient Fertilizer
- Download→ 0-0-2 MicroGreene – DIY Label (PDF)
- Download→ SDS (PDF)
- Download→ 0-0-2 MicroGreene™ – DIY Spec Sheet (PDF)
Always read and follow label directions.
DIY Packages, Combos & Build Your Own Kit Options
Each of the liquid products available in the various DIY package offerings is designed to address different soil/plant needs within a fertility program throughout the growing season.
N-Ext™ DIY Combo Packages
Specialty Fertility Products:
- N-Ext RGS™ and N-Ext Humic12™
- N-Ext RGS™ and N-Ext Air-8™ – “Compaction Cure”
- N-Ext Air-8™ and N-Ext D-Thatch™
Fertilizer Products:
- 0-0-2 MicroGreene™ and 4-0-2 FloraGreene™
- 0-0-2 MicroGreene™ and 7-0-0 GreeNe EfFect™
Healthy Turf Starts with Greene County Fert.
High-Performance Plant Nutrients • Liquid Fertilizers • Specialty Fertility Products • Soil Amendments • Biostimulants • MFR/Direct Greensboro, GA USA

Greene County Fertilizer Company offers a product purchase solution for do-it-yourself lawn, tree and shrub care. Our bio-based fertilizers and specialty fertility products are blended to feed plants, improve soil fertility and build topsoil. Each of the liquid products available in the various DIY package offerings is designed to address different soil/plant needs within a fertility program throughout the growing season.